Tails From The Firehouse


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Tails from the firehouse is a story about a Dalmatian who lives in a fire station and one day rescues some kittens from a house fire. The story has several fire safety tips for children that are presented in a fun and entertaining way. In the back of the book are several other safety tips that adults can share with the children.

Jeff Cook School Assembly
Fire Fighter School Assembly Tails from the firehouse

Aldine ISD


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Copyright ©2011 by Jeff Cook - All rights reserved. No part of this web site or publication may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in reviews, without the written permission of the publisher. Original artwork by Toby Wise, Friendswood, Texas, and Taylor Springle, Long Beach, California, Formatting and cover design by Anne McLaughlin, Blue Lake Design, Dickinson, Texas, Book Published in the United States by Baxter Press, Friendswood, Texas ISBN: 1-888237-72-4, 978-1-888237-72-6 - Web Site Designed by The Texas Network