Tails From The Firehouse


What Teachers are saying about Jeff and Tails from the firehouse...

What did you think about the story?

  • "Awesome! The children were able to relate to it on their level and that's what helps the lessons from it to stick"
  • "The story was very interesting. my kids have asked to read my copy over and over. I like the fact that Tails is the main character."
  • "I loved the story! It is a very exciting story that informs the kids on how to stay safe in case of a fire"


Did the children seem interested?

  • "I commented to other teachers how incredible it was to see 5 classes of kindergarten AND a Pre-k class sit so quietly and still from beginning to end of the story!"
  • "They LOVED it."
  • "Yes, they couldn't stop talking about the story."


How was Mr. Cook’s presentation?

  • "Mr. Cook is obviously loves what he does and the kids sense that and they get excited, too."
  • "Very interactive and fun for the kids- The more the children are able to "act out" what is being taught, the more they remember. It was very age-appropriate for kindergarten."
  • "Very engaging. Kept the audience motivated."


Was he able to keep the children interested?

  • "Absolutely! I especially loved that he dressed up in the fireman's outfit (kids cannot see that enough to help impress on their memories that they should not hide from a firefighter during a fire) and we loved the stop-drop-and-roll activity! Children had a blast and will never forget it."
  • "Yes. He kept a nice pace and kept the presentation moving."


Do you think the children were able to learn anything from the presentation?

  • "Yes! We visited the fire station the very next day and the firefighters asked them questions such as "what would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night to a fire alarm?" "Why would you touch the door to your room before opening it up?" "Why do you crawl out?" etc, etc. The kids knew all the answers and totally impressed the firefighters! One student even knew that the oxygen tank carried by the firefighters was to give them fresh air. I was so proud of them!"
  • "Yes. Very simple directions and lessons they could remember easily."
  • "I think the kids learned a lot about fire safety. They discussed amongst each other what they would do in case of a fire long after the presentation."


Would you have Mr. Cook back to your school?

  • "Yes, PLEASE!!"


How could Mr. Cook improve his presentation?

  • " I wouldn't know how to suggest that-considering it was very impressive as it was."


List anything else you think is important for Mr. Cook.

  •  Our school is truely thankful that he freely dedicated his time to us out of the love and concern that he has for our children's safety. He has a gift in reaching out and capturing the interest of young children so that they are able to acquire some of life's most important safety lessons. I hope he continues to enjoy sharing his presentation with others. it's a blessing.
  • He did a great job! 



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Copyright ©2011 by Jeff Cook - All rights reserved. No part of this web site or publication may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in reviews, without the written permission of the publisher. Original artwork by Toby Wise, Friendswood, Texas, and Taylor Springle, Long Beach, California, Formatting and cover design by Anne McLaughlin, Blue Lake Design, Dickinson, Texas, Book Published in the United States by Baxter Press, Friendswood, Texas ISBN: 1-888237-72-4, 978-1-888237-72-6 - Web Site Designed by The Texas Network